Gate Attendants needed during shows

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Posts: 140
Joined: Mon Mar 30, 2020 11:26 pm
Name: Connor B

Gate Attendants needed during shows

Post by ConnorB »

Hey all,

We're trying to get a head start on getting help for the gate attendants during the show. We lost several people that were huge helpers up front, so we need some new people to step up to help out. I'm going to try to make a more rigid schedule for the attendants, partly so we can be sure that there will be help, but also so there will be a guarantee that whoever is up front gets relief after an hour or two. One of the biggest reasons I was always hesitant to help out up front is because I was worried that I would be stuck up there for hours, and hopefully a better schedule will help. Keep it in mind, let me know ahead of time if you'd like to help, or speak up at the next meeting before the show.

Thank you!


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